
Kaifeng LongtingIn the city of Kaifeng City Longting Xibeiyu. Here is the original gener...


Kaifeng Longting

In the city of Kaifeng City Longting Xibeiyu. Here is the original generation of the Northern Song Dynasty and the National Palace Museum, is the site of that week's Mansion.

1942 Emperor Kangxi in the Qing build a one million Shouting, Tingrui for "Long live the emperor" tablets, known as "Long Ting", during major festivals, both civilian and military officials to come here to worship. Dao 25 years destroyed in the storm. Reconstruction. Longting built up to 13 m in a huge brick steps, Chongdanxieshan of the main hall. Dian positive steps of the three-tier 72 points, stairs intermediate containing Diaolong Qingshi. Hall at the center of a huge black "Long Pier" and it is the emperor of power took place. 1986, Longting large hall built Kaifeng Song museum, the Mainland of China's first museum. Sculpture of nine figures, including the Northern Song Dynasty Emperor Wen-chen, and then the famous generals. Longting of ancient buildings, according to a history of the Tangdezong Lee can be traced back to fitness at the time (AD 780-805), built by the Army Jiedushi Zhisuo Yongping - Fantianyashu. After the Five Dynasties Houliang, Houjin, after the Han and Later Zhou Dynasty have to be converted palace. The Northern Song Dynasty Imperial (including the Royal Palace) here also, as in the large. The late, as a palace. Eliminate the yuan, it is the Henan Jiangbei Hangsheng Yushu. Hongjinjun peasant uprising in the late Yuan Dynasty Longfeng regime also as a temporary business trip. To the then rulers and the construction of massive construction projects week

Fan's Mansion. Early Qing Dynasty as a Gongyuan, following the conversion of Longevity Palace. In years (the year 1925) was changed to Longting Park; 1927

General Feng Yuxiang in the second Yu, renamed Zhongshan Park. After new China was founded, in 1953 officially named the Longting Park since






